Posted by satish in american dogs, american pit bull terriers, free wallpapers bullterriers, pit bull dogs

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a medium-sized dog, solidly built, with a short coat and smooth, well-defined musculature. The dog's appearance is powerful and athletic without being bulky or muscle bound. The length of the front leg is approximately half of the dog's height at the highest part of the back. The dog's head is in proportion to the rest of its body with a triangular shape, a broad, flat skull and a wide, deep muzzle. The eyes are set well apart, sit low on the skull, and are round to almond shaped. The ears are small to medium in length and may be natural or cropped. The nose may be any color. The neck is muscular and moderate in length. Dogs' forequarters have long, wide shoulder blades, are muscular, and well laid back. The hindquarters are strong and muscular, moderately broad and in balance with the forequarters. Females have slightly longer bodies then males, while males have slighty bigger limbs then females. The tail is thick and tapers to a point. The coat is glossy, smooth, short, and slightly coarse and can be any color.
Weight 35-65 pounds
Height 18-22inches
life span 12-14years